Electronic trading platforms (systems) |
PNB TWS trading platform (USA and European markets)Minimum investment amount 5000 USD CountryFeeMinimum fee per order
* Indicated commissions do not include Stock Exchange and other fees (commissions) occurred when executing clients’ orders; these commissions are paid by the client separately. European FTT (Financial Transactions Tax) in the amount of 0,2% of the transaction value and/or UK ST (Stamp duty) in the amount of 0,5% of the transaction value also paid by client separately. These taxes apply only on purchase of shares/ADRs (American Depositary Receipts). Additionally, the Client pays third-party pass-through charges for transactions with the American Depositary Receipts (ADR): 0,01 USD – 0,03 USD per share (usually charged from the dividends paid). ** Volume tiered commissions are applied based on monthly cumulative trade volume. If for example, you execute 600 000 shares in a month, fees would be: 0,02 USD/share for 100 000 shares; 0,015 USD/share - for 200 000 shares and 0,01 USD/share - for 300 000 shares. *** Volume tiered commissions are applied based on monthly cumulative trade volume. If for example, you execute 15000 futures in a month, fees would be: 12,5 USD/contract for 1000 futures; 10 USD/contract for next 9000 futures and 7,5 USD/contract for last 5000 futures. **** Additional fee is charged for option order cancellation and modification – 0,01 USD/contract. Monthly fee for the trading platform PNB TWS * for clients who generate at least USD 100 commissions per month - free of charge for clients with deposits over 100´000 USD - free of charge for clients who generate at less than USD 100 commissions per month - 20 USD * first 3 months - free of charge Market data PNB TWSPrivate individualsLegal entities and professionals
* Free for clients who generate over 150 USD per month. US Securities and Commodities Bundle Non-professional Level 1 includes market data for stock, and futures products on: AMEX, CBOT, CME (Globex), NYSE, and NASDAQ.
Funds withdrawal from PNB TWS trading platform account
PNB QUIK trading platform (Russian and Foreign markets)Minimum investment amount 5000 USD
* Indicated commissions do not include Stock Exchange and other fees (commissions) occurred when executing the client’s orders. These commissions are paid by the client separately. Monthly fee for the platform PNB QUIK MICEX and FORTS - over 5 deals per month - free of charge MICEX and FORTS - no transactions carried out during a month - 300 RUB Foreign markets – 50 USD Funds withdrawal from PNB QUIK platform account RUB - 300 RUB USD - 25 USD Funds transfer to PNB QUIK platform account - free of charge PNB Trade trading platform (currency exchange operations via InternetBanka)
* Transactions are carried out for the market prices quoted by PNB Banka (i.e. for the prices prevailing in the market at the specified time and available to PNB Banka for performing transactions with counterparties with a limited amount of certain financial instruments). The place of order execution - PNB Banka. PNB MetaTrader trading platform (marginal currency exchange operations)The minimum amount for execution of transactions (minimum amount of Security Deposit) - 1000 EUR (or equivalent in USD)* * PNB Banka has rights (but not an obligation) to accept also a smaller amount as a Security Deposit.
** Transactions are carried out for the market prices quoted by PNB Banka (i.e. for the prices prevailing in the market at the specified time and available to PNB Banka for performing quoted with counterparties with a limited amount of certain financial instruments). The place of order execution - PNB Banka. *** The indicated fee does not include a fee for money transfer, which can be withheld by the bank from which this transfer is made. |
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