PNB Banka became the partner of the event, dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan and the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan



On December 16, Kazakhstan celebrates its 27th anniversary of independence. In honour of this event as well as in honour of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan held on December 1, a festive evening was held in Riga, organised by Baltic-Kazakhstan Economic Development Association and the Consulate of Kazakhstan.


PNB Banka became the partner of the event. Chairman of the Board of PNB Banka Oliver Ronald Bramwell congratulated the participants on occasion of both events and expressed hope for further development of business relations between Latvia and Kazakhstan. Oliver pointed out that cooperation with the business from Kazakhstan is one of the priorities of PNB Banka.


High-profile politicians, businesspersons, journalists, as well as representatives of creative community were among the visitors of the evening. The participants were greeted by Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Latvia, Mr. Kairat Kambarov, who expressed gratitude to Latvia for its involvement in development of the dialogue between the European Union and the countries of Central Asia, as well as by the Chairman of the Baltic-Kazakhstan Economic Development Association, Mr. Aleksandrs Vidjakins and the Chairman of the City Development Committee of the Riga City Council,  Maksims Tolstojs. According to the speakers, launching the direct flight between Riga and Almaty has become another important step in development of economic and cultural relations of both countries. The event was also attended by the former President of Latvia, Mr. Valdis Zatlers, Members of the Parliament, former Minister of Economy, Mr. Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis, Editor-in-Chief of the Free City magazine (Открытый город), Ms. Tatiana Fast and many others.     


PNB Banka is one of the largest banks in Baltic countries, having history of more than 26 years of successful servicing of clients from different countries. PNB Banka offers full range of banking services (opening and servicing of multi-currency accounts, 24-h remote access to the account, money transfers, large choice of payment cards offering various possibilities, deposits, brokerage services and many other services).


PNB Banka has actively developed its network of partners outside Latvia, providing its services to numerous foreign clients from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, China and many other countries.