Payments in euro

Payments in EUR to European Economics Area countries

Currency: EUR
Type of commission: SHA (client pays PNB Banka’s commission only)
Beneficiary’s account must be in IBAN. If the payment is missing any of the details, the intermediary and beneficiary banks have the rights to charge an additional commission.
European Economics Area countries: Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein and 28 countries of EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Sweden.


Service PNB Banka charges
Standard payment in EUR (electronic form) is executed on the next business day after payment order is submitted to the bank (Т+1) 10 EUR
Cut off time 18:00 (Latvian time)
Urgent payment in EUR (electronic form) is executed on the business day when payment order is submitted to the bank (Т) 15 EUR
Cut off time 12:00 (Latvian time)
Express payment in EUR (electronic form) is executed out of turn on the business day when payment order is submitted to the bank (Т) 30 EUR
Cut off time 16:00 (Latvian time)
Accepting of payment order in paper form 10 EUR
EUR transfer to different Latvian bank and within European Economics Area (in cash) 0.5% of amount (min 3 EUR)


Payments in EUR outside European Economics Area (EEA) countries

Type of transfer Charges covered by PNB Banka charges Additional charges
Standard payment executed on the second business day after payment order is submitted to the bank (Т+1) Beneficiar 20 EUR Deducted from transfer amount by intermidiary bank
Remitter 25 EUR* Covered by remitter upon intermidiary bank request
Cut off time 18:00 (Latvian time)
Urgent payment executed on the business day when payment order is submitted to the bank (Т) Beneficiar 30 EUR Deducted from transfer amount by intermidiary bank
Remitter 50 EUR* Covered by remitter upon intermidiary bank request
Cut off time 12:00 (Latvian time)
Express payment executed out of turn on the business day when payment order is submitted to the bank (Т) Beneficiar 50 EUR Deducted from transfer amount by intermidiary bank
Remitter 70 EUR* Covered by remitter upon intermidiary bank request
Cut off time 16:00 (Latvian time)
Accepting of payment order in paper form 10 EUR  

* Additional charges for payments with commision OUR may apply


Additional services

Service Charges
1. Cancellation, investigation and amendment of payments in foreign currencies, other than CIS 50 EUR + additional charges
2. Return of incoming payment (charged from the transfer amount) 30 EUR
3. Non-standard investigation of internal payments 30 EUR
4. Investigation of incoming payments 30 EUR
5. Commission fee for payment compliance risk review 50 EUR