On changes in the General Provisions for Transactions and access to the internet bank31/10/2022
Herewith we inform you that changes in the General Provisions for Transactions of the insolvent AS PNB Banka will take effect as of 1 January 2023.
Please note that in view of the changes in the General Provisions for Transactions, starting from January 1st, 2023, the Bank will no longer provide remote services. For this reason, the Bank hereby invites you to save any important information available in PNB Internetbanka internet bank before the aforementioned date.
Starting from January 1st, 2023, remote services will no longer be provided in cases set forth in the GPT, Service Agreements, and relevant regulations. In cases where, in accordance with the GPT, the Service Agreement, and other agreements entered into with the Bank, or relevant regulations provide for the Client’s obligation to become acquainted with the Bank’s information available in PNB Internetbanka online bank (including to verify the amount of outstanding liabilities with PNB Internetbanka, to become acquainted with the revised payment schedule, a.o.), such obligation shall remain in effect after January 1st, 2023, and the Client shall acquaint him-/herself with the relevant information, and/or verify such information by visiting the Bank in person or by means of electronic communication, in which case, the Client shall meet individual identification requirements which the Bank defines at its own discretion on a case-by-case basis as specified in the relevant agreement with the Bank (except for PNB Internetbanka online bank).
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