Set for Seniors

Service Tariff
Account maintenance free of charge
Use of a payment card VISA Electron or Maestro 0.55 EUR per month (tariff is valid from 1 November 2015)
Completion of a power of attorney for a recipient of a pension free of charge
Cash withdrawal at the bank’s customer service centres without using a payment card
In EUR currency* - up to 1000 EUR per day – free of charge
In USD currency * - up to the amount equivalent to 1000 EUR per day – free of charge
CAD, CHF, DKK, GBP, JPY, NOK, SEK, AUD, RUB* - up to the amount equivalent to 1000 EUR per day – free of charge
Payment of utility bills 0,50 EUR
Application for a utility bill prepay card 15 EUR (for 50 payments)
25 EUR (for 100 payments)