News archiveHere you will find news, market reviews, analyses and other bank related events. |
PNB Banka’s representatives will take part in conferences in BakuPNB Banka remains one of the few Baltic banks participating actively in large industry-specific conferences outside Latvia and developing their international business. In mid-June, representatives of... 28/05/2019
Securities Market with PNB Banka. Additional funding through REPO transactions*One of the most common ways to attract additional funding for the acquisition of securities is REPO transactions. A REPO transaction is a transaction where a client sells a certain... 22/05/2019
INTAX Forum Ukraine has taken place in KievHaving been organised since 2011 the INTAX Forum Ukraine is one of the largest platforms for communication of senior executives of the companies operating on global markets and professionals... 22/05/2019
Changes in the bank's customer service network in VarakļāniPlease note that as from this May 17 banking services will not be available in PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Varakļāni, 13 Rīgas Street. The nearest customer service centre is located... 13/05/2019
Securities Market with AS PNB Banka - Spotlight on BondsIntegrated servicing of securities transactions is one of the business priorities of AS PNB Banka. The Bank offers its clients to trade with securities and derivatives through convenient and... 07/05/2019
Topical issues of the work of European banks to be discussed in KyivMore than 300 delegates from around the world will gather on May 21 and 22 in Kyiv, at the Congress and Exhibition Center ‘Parkovy’, to take part in the annual conference INTAX Forum... 29/04/2019
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Riga, 257 Maskavas Street (shopping centre Akropole)Please note that as from this May 1 the opening hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, 257 Maskavas Street (shopping and entertainment centre Akropole), will be as follows: on... 26/04/2019
The rules for preparing international payments to UkrainePlease be informed that as from 1 April 2019 the National Bank of Ukraine introduced the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) as a identification standard for all bank accounts. According... 25/04/2019
PNB Banka’s working hours on holidaysPlease be informed that on holidays from 30 April 2019 to 6 May 2019 the working hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centres will change. To learn more about the changes in the working... 24/04/2019
CRS and bank compliance issues were discussed at the seminar "How the banking control functions"More than 40 delegates took part in the Moscow seminar "How the banking control functions" hosted by the CLIFF Law Firm with the support of PNB Banka. The primary focus was on the issues... 16/04/2019
Changes in PNB Internetbanka system work on April 20 from 10 pm till April 21 11 pmDear customers, Please note that on 20 April 10:00 pm to 21 April 11:00 pm (Latvian time) PNB Banka will carry out maintenance works to update the software to increase the quality and rate of... 15/04/2019
IPAS PNB Asset Management Launches New Investment FundThe PNB Total Return Bond Fund will become the next fund managed by IPAS PNB Asset Management within the framework of the expansion strategy of the investment products. By providing optimum... 15/04/2019
Changes in the bank's customer service network in VentspilsPlease note that from this April 17 PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Ventspils, Lielais Prospekts 3/5 (trading centre Tobago), will be closed for reconstruction. The modernised and... 11/04/2019
PNB Banka’s working hours on holidaysPlease be informed that on holidays from 18 April 2019 to 22 April 2019 the working hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centres will change. To learn more about the changes in the... 05/04/2019
A business brunch "How the banking control functions" to be held in MoscowOn April 17, in Moscow, CLIFF Law Firm with the support of PNB Banka will hold a business brunch ‘How the banking control functions’. The event will be hosted at the hotel Mercure... 04/04/2019
PNB Banka is the sponsor of WealthPro Conference in Saint PetersburgOn April 11, in Saint Petersburg, a traditional conference WealthPro Russia St Petersburg 2019 will be held. The event, organised by Bosco Conference and sponsored by PNB Banka, will be hosted at the... 03/04/2019
Customer support centre temporarily stops incoming Skype callsDear clients, Due to technical problems the customer support centre of PNB Banka has temporarily stopped incoming Skype calls. For customer support please call +371 67041100 round-the-clock or... 01/04/2019
PNB Banka is to take part in WealthPro conference in MoscowMore than 350 delegates from 30 countries will meet at the WealthPro conference in Moscow organised by company Bosco Conference. The conference will take place from 8-9 April at Marriott Grand Hotel... 26/03/2019
Changes in the bank's customer service network in RigaPlease note that as from this April 1 PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, 4 Lomonosova Street, will be moved to the new premises in Riga, 257 Maskavas Street (shopping and entertainment... 26/03/2019
Changes in the Bank’s TariffsWe hereby inform you about changes in AS “PNB Banka” price list which come into force: Type of customer Private customers Business customers Residents of Latvia... 22/03/2019
PNB Banka participated in a conference convened by the publishing house Kommersant in MoscowIn Moscow, the annual conference “Legal aspects M&A: best practices” took place under the auspices of the publishing house Kommersant (Коммерсантъ) and with the support of PNB Banka.... 12/03/2019
PNB Banka (previously Norvik Banka) to be supervised directly by the European Central BankPNB Banka notes that The European Central Bank (ECB) has agreed to the request from Latvia’s Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) to assume direct supervision of PNB Banka in light of... 11/03/2019
PNB Banka will take part in the conference "Legal aspects of M&A: best practices"On March 21, at the Moscow hotel St. Regis Nikolskaya the publishing house Kommersant will hold an annual conference "Legal aspects of M&A: best practices" dedicated to the latest trends on the... 07/03/2019
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Valmiera, 2 Fabrikas StreetPlease note that as from this April 1 the opening hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Valmiera, 2 Fabrikas Street, will be as follows: - on business days from 9:00 to 18:00... 27/02/2019
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Riga, Jūrmalas Gatve 87Please note that as from this March 1 the opening hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, Jūrmalas Gatve 87, will be as follows: - on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 (lunch... 22/02/2019
PNB Banka starts the year 2019 successfully and continues its social activitiesPNB Banka has started the year 2019 successfully by launching a new social project and continuing the previous activities. The bank’s performance as of 31 January 2019: profit in... 20/02/2019
PNB Banka has taken part in the conference INTAX Private Capital ForumAn international conference INTAX Private Capital Forum was successfully convened in Moscow and gathered approximately 200 delegates from different countries. The participants discussed the issues of... 15/02/2019
PNB Banka at WealthPro conference (Ukraine)The annual international conference WealthPro Ukraine will take place at the Hilton Kyiv hotel on February 21-22. The event is hosted by the company Bosco Conference, while PNB Banka is one of its... 14/02/2019
Changes in the bank's customer service networkPlease note that as from this February 28 PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, 8 Gaiļezera Street, will be moved to the new premises in Riga, 98 Biķernieku Street (shopping centre MEGO)... 04/02/2019
Changes in the opening hours of the customer service centre in Daugavpils, 3 Valkas Street, this February 9Please note that this February 9 the customer service centre of PNB Banka in Daugavpils, 3 Valkas Street, will work from 10.00 to 14.00. For more information, please visit a customer service... 23/01/2019
PNB Banka has become a member of the Caspian European ClubPNB Banka was granted the status of platinum member of the Caspian European Club. This reputable platform brings together more than 5000 companies from 70 countries. The members of the club are active... 18/01/2019
PNB Banka has become a member of the Baltic Financial Advisors AssociationFollowing the strategy of improving the service provision quality on financial markets, PNB Banka has become a member of the Baltic organisation Baltic Financial Advisors Association (BFAA), while the... 11/01/2019
Changes in usage and limits of code cardsInformation for PNB Internetbank clients who use code cards for authorisation In accordance with the regulations of the European Commission on secure authorisation of internet bank users, in... 11/01/2019
Changes in the bank's customer service network in JēkabpilsPlease note that as from this January 27, banking services will not be available in PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Jēkabpils, 120 Rīgas Street. The closest customer service centre is in... 03/01/2019
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in KuldigaPlease be informed that as from this January 3 the opening hours of PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Kuldiga, 2 Sūru Street, will be as follows: on business days from 9:00 to 19:00 (lunch... 28/12/2018
AS “PNB Banka” wishes you a Happy New Year!Dear clients! We wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you prosperity and wellbeing! Let your business go hand in hand with constant success! We believe that the coming year 2019... 18/12/2018
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Riga, 4 Lomonosova Street.Please note that from 22 December 2018 to 1 January 2019 (inclusive) PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, 4 Lomonosova Street, will be closed. To receive all the required banking... 17/12/2018
PNB Banka’s opening hours on holidaysPlease be informed that at the end of the year, during the Christmas holiday period, some changes in the opening hours of PNB Banka’s Customer Service Centres will be introduced. You may... 14/12/2018
Changes in the working hours of a customer centre in Jelgava on December 15Please note that on this December 15 PNB Banka’s customer service centre in Jelgava, 18 Katoļu Street, will be closed. For more information, please visit the customer service... 13/12/2018
Additional requirements for international payments effected in Chinese Yuan (CNY)Please be informed of changes in the execution of international payments. As from 14 December 2018, based on the requirements of the regulatory enactments of the People’s Republic of... 10/12/2018
PNB Banka became the partner of the event, dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan and the Day of the First President of KazakhstanOn December 16, Kazakhstan celebrates its 27th anniversary of independence. In honour of this event as well as in honour of the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan held on December 1, a... 30/11/2018
Changes in the opening hours of customer service centres on December 13Please be informed that this December 13 the opening hours of the PNB Banka’s customer service centres will changed. You may find more information about the changes in the opening hours... 12/11/2018
PNB Banka’s opening hours on holidaysPlease be informed that in view of the national holidays some changes in the opening hours of PNB Banka’s Customer Service Centres will be introduced from November 17 until November 19,... 10/11/2018
PNB Banka Investor Day to be Held During the Digital Freedom FestivalInvestor Day will be held during the Digital Freedom Festival on November 30th in cooperation with PNB Banka. It will provide investors, corporates and startups with the opportunity for... 09/11/2018
Norvik Banka changes its name to PNB BankaAs from this 9 November, Norvik Banka’s group changes its name to PNB Banka. The bank will continue to provide all the existing services, as well as extend its availability and offer even more... 09/11/2018
Norvik Banka changes its name to PNB BankaAs from this 9 November, Norvik Banka’s group changes its name to PNB Banka. The bank will continue to provide all the existing services, as well as extend its availability and offer even more... 09/11/2018
PNB Banka has issued the first tuition fee loans to the students of airBalticTraining Pilot AcademyIn collaboration with airBaltic PNB Banka has issued the first tuition fee loans to cover tuition fee for the students of airBalticTraining Pilot Academy, which have started their training to... 22/10/2018
Financial instruments – a way to protect your capitalThe major capital management requirement is keeping it safe and mobile. Investments in securities and investment funds managed by professional fund managers multiplying the capital help to achieve... 15/10/2018
Norvik Banka Achieves BB+ Business Integrity RatingOn October 11, 2018 Sigma Ratings Inc. announced its first-ever Sigma Rating for a Latvian banking institution: Norvik Banka achieved a rating outlook of BB+ (Stable), which places it within reach of... 05/10/2018
Changes in the bank’s customer service network in BauskaPlease note that from this October 8 to October 25 Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Bauska, 2 Pionieru Street, will be closed for reconstruction. To receive all the required banking... 29/09/2018
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in JelgavaPlease be informed that this October 1–31 the opening hours of Norvik Banka's customer service centre in Jelgava, 18 Katoļu Street, will change: on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 (lunch break... 25/09/2018
Changes in the opening hours of customer service centresPlease note that as from this October 1 the opening hours of Norvik Banka’s customer service centres will change: Salaspils, 4e Skolas Street: on business days from 9:00 to 19:00 (lunch break... 20/09/2018
Norvik Banka’s opening hours on September 24Please be informed that in view of the public holiday some changes in the opening hours of Norvik Banka’s customer service centres will be introduced on September 24, 2018. You may find more... 11/09/2018
On personal identification documentDear Clients! Please be informed that from 1 November 2018 in order to receive services and carry out operations with AS Norvik Banka, one of the following documents shall be presented:... 06/07/2018
Independent AML Audit ConclusionsOn 22 May 2018, the Bank concluded its independent anti-money laundering program review, conducted by an international team of experts. This was a mandatory requirement of the AML Settlement... 04/07/2018
New format of SMS-Bank notificationsWith the purpose to improve the customer service and considering the recommendations of our clients, starting from the 5th of July Norvik Banka changes the format of SMS-Bank notifications... 04/07/2018
Norvik Banka’s opening hours on holidaysPlease be informed that in view of the national holidays some changes in the opening hours of Norvik Banka’s Customer Service Centres will be introduced on July 9, 2018. You may find more... 29/06/2018
NORVIK EM High Yield Bond Fund : Market Update 29.06.2018Norvik EM High Yield Bond’s value were flat last week but investors interest started returning to emerging markets USD universe as 10 year US Treasury bond yields fell from 2.95% to 2.85% in a... 29/06/2018
Changes in Borkerage Division working hoursPlease note that as from 1 May 2018 working hours of Norvik Banka’s Brokerage Division will change to 9:00 to 19:00 (Riga time). Should you have any questions, please contact the Brokerage... 26/06/2018
Online banking system’s e-Norvik downtime on June 26 from 10 pm till 11 pmPlease note that on 26.06.2018 from 10.00 pm to 11:00 pm (Latvian time) Norvik Banka will carry out maintenance works to update the software to increase the quality and rate of customer... 25/06/2018
Changes in General Provisions for TransactionsHerewith we inform you that changes in the General Provisions for Transactions (hereafter - GPT) of AS Norvik Banka will take effect as of 29 June 2018. The most significant changes: GPT’s... 15/06/2018
Norvik Banka’s holiday opening timesPlease be informed about changes in the working hours of Norvik Banka’s customer service centres during holidays from 22 June 2018 until 24 June 2018. Learn more about the changes in the... 13/06/2018
Changes in Bank’s Tariffs for Services to Legal PersonsAs of 2 July 2018 the changes in Norvik Banka’s tariffs for the services provided to the legal persons - residents of the Republic of Latvia are set to take effect. The changes refer to the... 22/05/2018
Norvik EM High Yield Bond Fund, May 2018The value of Norvik EM High Yield Bond Fund shares has fallen by 2.81% down to $1,060.7 since the beginning of the year. The fall on the market of emerging countries’ bonds (EM) has become one... 27/04/2018
Norvik Banka’s opening hours on holidaysPlease be informed that the opening hours of Norvik Banka’s customer service centres during holidays from April 30 to May 5, 2018, have been changed. You may find more information about the... 25/04/2018
Changes in tariffs for servicing the financial instruments’ accountPlease be informed that amendments to tariffs for Financial Instruments transfer from Norvik Banka will become effective as of 8 May 2018 for legal persons and as of 25 June 2018 for private... 23/04/2018
Changes in payments in euro received from countries that are outside the EEA.If you plan to receive payments in EUR from countries that are outside the European Economic Area, you will find this useful. As from 2 May this year, Norvik Banka introduces changes in its... 23/04/2018
Making the purchase with Norvik Bank payment cards is now even easier and faster!Starting from the mid of April, Mastercard® increases the limit from 10 EUR to 25 EUR for contactless payment cards transactions. This means that it will be possible to make purchases for 25... 21/04/2018
Changes in General Provisions for TransactionsHerewith we inform you that changes in the General Provisions for Transactions (hereafter - GPT) of AS Norvik Banka will take effect as of 21 June 2018. The most significant changes: GPT... 21/04/2018
Changes in the Bank’s customer service networkPlease be informed that as from this April 21 Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Jūrmala, 57 Jomas iela, will be closed for reconstruction. To receive the required banking services,... 16/04/2018
Changes in tariffs for servicing the financial instruments’ accountWe would like to inform you that as from 18 June 2018 amendments of tariffs for servicing the financial instruments’ account for bonds denominated in USD and EUR will become effective. The new... 11/04/2018
Changes in Borkerage Division working hoursPlease note that as from 1 May 2018 working hours of Norvik Banka’s Brokerage Division will change to 9:00 to 19:00 (Riga time). Should you have any questions, please contact the Brokerage... 10/04/2018
Digital Freedom Festival and Norvik Banka To Raise Awareness About Fintech InnovationsContinuing successful cooperation, Norvik Banka will be the Digital Freedom Festival official bank for the third year in a row. Together they will promote discussions on FinTech topics and... 02/04/2018
Norvik Banka publishes unaudited financial results for 2017Norvik Banka has prepared and published its 2017 (unaudited) financial results. They are available on the bank's website at “About the Bank / Financial Results” The auditors' opinion has not... 26/03/2018
Norvik Banka’s opening hours on holidaysPlease be informed about the changes in the opening hours of Norvik Banka's Customer Service Centres during holidays from March 29 to April 2, 2018. You may find more information about the... 12/02/2018
Changes in brokerage service feesPlease be informed that as from 12 April 2018 new tariffs will apply to the following transactions performed on financial markets through AS Norvik Banka: transactions on the FORTS market... 24/01/2018
Anders Fogh Rasmussen assigned to the post of the Deputy Chairman of AS Norvik Banka CouncilAS Norvik Banka informs that Anders Fogh Rasmussen now is the Deputy Chairman of the bank’s independent Council. Mr Rasmussen served as NATO Secretary General from 2009-14 and Prime Minister... 16/01/2018
On the new legal acts of the European UnionPlease be informed that in 2018 a range of new EU legal acts became effective in Latvia. For your convenience, we have prepared a brief summary of the basic aspects. Markets in Financial... 09/01/2018
Bitcoin futures trading is available via Norvik BankaWe are pleased to announce that Norvik Banka provides its clients with a possibility to trade Bitcoin futures. Bitcoin futures were launched by American CME Exchange of the CME Group Inc... 05/01/2018
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Ogre, Vidus Prospekts 1Please be informed that this January 6 reconstruction works will be carried out in the premises of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Ogre, Vidus Prospekts 1, so the customer service... 05/01/2018
Changes in the opening hours of a customer service centre in Ogre, Vidus Prospekts 1Please be informed that this January 6 reconstruction works will be carried out in the premises of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Ogre, Vidus Prospekts 1, so the customer service... 02/01/2018
Changes in the bank’s customer service network in DaugavpilsPlease be informed that as from January 20 location of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Daugavpils, 3 Arhitektu Street, will change. From then on, you will be able to receive all the... 22/12/2017
Changes in the bank’s customer service network in RigaPlease be informed that as from December 30 location of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Riga, 46a Nicgales Street, will change. From then on, you will be able to receive all the... 30/10/2017
The Digital Freedom Festival in Cooperation with Norvik Banka to Hold a Discussion on Money and CybersecurityIn collaboration with Norvik Banka the Digital Freedom Festival is organising a discussion on money and cybersecurity. The discussion will be held on November 1st, from 18:00 to 20:00 at the... 29/09/2017
Changes in the opening hours of Talsi customer service centrePlease note that as from this October 1 to October 31 the opening hours of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre in Talsi, 18 Dundagas Street, will change. Customer service centre’s opening... 29/09/2017
Norvik Banka in cooperation with the Digital Freedom Festival has held a discussion on the future of moneyThe Digital Freedom Festival in cooperation with the official bank of the festival – Norvik Banka – has held the first discussion, The Future of Money. The discussants talked over the impact... 19/09/2017
Norvik Banka at the Black Sea Oil Trade ForumThe annual international forum Black Sea Oil Trade started in Kiev today. The forum is an effective platform for communication and discussion of actual trends in the oil and fat sector of... 28/08/2017
At night a brief interruption is possible in transactions with Norvik Banka’s cardsPlease note that on 29.08.2017 from 02:00 to 04:00 (Latvian time) Norvik Banka will carry out maintenance works to update the software of the processing centre to increase the quality and rate... 28/07/2017
Norvik Banka and Digital Freedom Festival to contribute to the development of financial technologies and innovationsNorvik Banka has become the official bank of the Digital Freedom festival to jointly raise the awareness of the development of financial technologies and innovations in the region by arranging... 21/07/2017
Norvik Banka to invest more than 2 million EUR in the improvement of compliance functionsWith reference to the published information on the instances of violation of compliance functions, which are connected with some of the Latvian banks (among which Norvik Banka has been... 01/06/2017
Norvik Card – Key to a Dream Trip!If you have a Mastercard® payment card issued by Norvik Banka, we invite you to participate in the lottery “Norvik Card – Key to a Dream Trip!” and win one of three travel gift cards worth... 27/04/2017
Norvik Banka introduces new mobile application for iOS devicesWith new mobile app from Norvik Banka in your smartphone you can quickly check the balance, use the currency calculator, it will show you the distance to the nearest bank’s customer service... 13/04/2017
Changes in the bank’s customer service networkThis April 18 at 15:00 Norvik Banka will begin reconstruction works in the premises of a customer service centre in Riga, 21 E.Birznieka-Upīša Street. The nearest customer service centre is... 07/03/2017
Norvik Banka starts the spring with favorable privileges from MastercardThe working meeting between representatives of Mastercard and Norvik Banka, during which the issues on development of additional services for Mastercard holders were discussed, took place on... 23/02/2017
Changes in the bank’s customer service networkPlease be informed that as from this February 27 the premises of Norvik Banka’s customer service centre situated in Daugavpils, 9 Rigas street, will be closed for reconstruction. The customer... 09/02/2017
Mastercard Concierge – for the people who know the value of their timeQuality service allows saving not only money but also, which is of much greater value, – time. Norvik Private Banking expands opportunities of its premium service and offers its clients to... 07/02/2017
Countries with a limited use of payment cardsInforming you of the rules of using Norvik Banka’s payment cards when paying for the goods and services on the territory of the following countries: Republic of India* Republic of Kenya... 17/11/2016
Norvik Private Banking is an intellectual partner of the business school “International Management Institute” (IMI)At the beginning of October Alexey Alexandrov, Norvik Banka’s Senior Vice President for Private Banking, Doctor of Economics, MBA, arrived in Ukraine on a working visit. Along with solving... 27/10/2016
Norvik Private BankingВ основе успешного развития лежит постоянное движение вперед и стремление к обновлению. Стратегия развития Norvik Banka основана на непрерывном совершенствовании всех процессов работы банка.... 21/10/2016
Norvik Banka closes the first half of the year with a EUR 7.7 million profitWe are pleased to report that Norvik Banka may consider the first six months of the year successful in its operation: for the first half of 2016 the Bank has earned 30.0 million euro in net... 11/10/2016
AS “NORVIK BANKA” has signed an agreement for implementation of Siron® system with a well-known American companyAS “NORVIK BANKA” (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) has signed an agreement for implementation of Siron® system with a well-known American company FICO TONBELLER... 05/10/2016
Norvik Banka: fast forward to the futureSpecialists from Norvik Banka’s Product development department visited “MasterCard 2016: DRIVING DIGITAL. Fast forward to the Future”, held on September 28-29 in Lisbon, Portugal. MasterCard... 19/08/2016
Norvik Research – your financial analystDear Clients! We are glad to inform you about Norvik Banka’s new service - Norvik Research Report on key indicators of financial markets Key trends in world economy Macroeconomic performance... 11/08/2016
MasterCard Platinum – advantages everywhere!Dear clients! The quality of service and the convenience of our customers are of utmost importance to us, so we are glad to announce that starting August 1st 2016, obtaining a MasterCard... 08/08/2016
Norvik Banka offers to receive cards in setsTo ensure high service and meet the needs of all customers, Norvik Banka offers its customers to receive international brand MasterCard (Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold,... 22/07/2016
Norvik Banka has launched a special platform Norvik ChatNorvik Banka has launched a special platform Norvik Chat for professional communication between the Bank’s dealers and customers. This is a modern application with high-level protection and... 01/07/2016
Norvik Banka on guard of BrexitPolitical events of the previous week had a great impact on all financial markets. The head of the Dealing Division of Norvik Banka Kirill Grigoryev commented on the situation on the currency... 01/04/2016
Changes in tariffs for bank servicesPlease be informed that as from 1 April 2016 for legal persons and natural persons, non-residents of the Republic of Latvia, changes in Norvik Banka’s service tariffs will become effective;... 23/11/2015
Norvik Banka, in cooperation with ELKOR, launches a new product – ELKOR credit card combined with a loyalty card.Norvik Banka’s ELKOR credit card differs markedly from other customer loyalty cards on the market and will be really advantageous to every customer because it combines a number of features:... 17/11/2015
Changes in Bank’s commission feesDear Customer, please be informed that as from this December 01 changes in Norvik Banka’s service tariffs for legal persons, non-residents of the Republic of Latvia will become effective; the... 15/10/2015
Norvik Banka have been ranked among the top 101 best Latvian companies in 2015TOP101 of the Latvian most valuable companies is a socially important initiative implemented by Prudentia and Nasdaq Riga stock exchange since 2005. The initiative is based on the desire of... 17/07/2015
Norvik Banka received the highest award from the German bank COMMERZBANK AGNorvik Banka received the highest award from the German bank COMMERZBANK AG for the excellent quality of payments and money transfers performed between the financial institutions in 2014 in... 13/05/2015
Norvik Banka has created new special offers to Latvian companiesThinking of entrepreneurs’ needs, Norvik Banka has created two special sets of banking services intended for business routine of companies of different size, experience level and profile. Both... 20/02/2015
Norvik Banka – Leader in Russian Social MediaNorvik Banka has become the most popular commercial bank of Latvia in the social media Вконтакте and Одноклассники, according to a research of the Internet journal Market Leader. Norvik Banka... 10/02/2015
Norvik Banka offers a new solution to operate on the Forex marketNorvik Banka has started offering a new additional service for currency trading on the Forex market – from now on there will be a possibility to open a trading account remotely, without... 03/02/2015
Norvik Apdrošināšanas Brokeris Considerably Improves Its ResultsNorvik Apdrošināšanas Brokeris has significantly improved its results and ranked among 25 largest insurance brokerage companies (by the amount of the insurance premium payments disbursed;... 22/01/2015
Norvik Banka offers increased deposit profitability during the deposit campaignNorvik Banka has announced a new deposit campaign „Interest rates grow!”, during which clients of the bank can increase the profitability interest rate for their deposit. The rate can be... 12/12/2014
Norvik Banka Retains Its Positions in the Market and Increases the Volume of BusinessConfidence of clients to Norvik Banka continues to grow, which is testified by 20% growth of clients’ deposits. Over the 12-month period, the deposits of the Bank’s clients have grown from 672... 26/11/2014
Norvik Banka becomes a long-term title sponsor of Andrejs RastorgujevsHaving signed a 4-year cooperation agreement, AS Norvik Banka has become a major private cooperation partner of the Latvian Biathlon Federation (LBF) and a title sponsor of a biathlete Andrejs... 10/11/2014
Norvik Banka Urges to Beware FraudstersTaking into account that information that has appeared in public space on fraudsters attempting to gain confidence of honest people in order to cheat out money from them, AS Norvik Banka... 30/10/2014
Norvik Banka Finances Establishment of the Most Advanced Cancer Diagnostics Centre in the Baltic RegionConstruction of a modern medical centre, in which it will be possible to diagnose cancer and heart diseases in their early stage of development, is started in Riga. It will be the most... 08/10/2014
Norvik Premium – a special offer for VIP clientsNorvik Banka has created a special order for the bank clients who have permanently considerable account balance and are active payment card users. Norvik Banka is the only bank in Latvia which... 07/10/2014
Norvik Banka increases its equity capitalFollowing Norvik Banka’s development in its new capacity, the Bank’s shareholders made a decision on considerable contribution to the Bank’s capital. 69 638 784 EUR have been invested in... 29/09/2014
Norvik Banka is launching an instant lottery for the 2nd Tier pension membersToday Norvik Banka is launching an instant lottery for all Norvik’s 2nd Tier pension plan members – every fifth lottery participant will win in the lottery one of the Bank’s prepared prizes.... 24/09/2014
Norvik Unlimited – all the most popular banking services with no limitsNorvik Banka offers you a possibility to use the most popular banking services without limits or restrictions at the lowest possible price – 1.5 EUR per month only! Norvik Banka’s service... 01/09/2014
Norvik Banka to finance a transit company SUNGATENorvik Banka has started to finance a transit company SUNGATE, which has been working in the market of international transport services for over 20 years. Financing in the amount of 3.7M US... 05/07/2024
Payment details for loan liabilities and commission fee paymentsAccount number: LV15PARX0000036181111 Account number: LV52MULT1010013691390 More |
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